
Public tender for the election of the President and four members of the Management Board of the Hrvatska poštanska banka, p.l.c.

Hrvatska poštanska banka, p.l.c. (hereafter: the Bank), informs shareholders and the investment public that the mandate of existing members of the Management Board of the Bank will expire in September 2023.
Pursuant to the Regulation on the Conditions for Election and Appointment of Members of the Supervisory and Management Boards of Legal Entities of Special Interest for the Republic of Croatia and the method  of their election (NN No. 12/2019), in conjunction with Article 31 of the State  Property Management Act (NN No. 52/18), Ministry of Finance, Katančićeva 5, Zagreb, announced a Public tender for the election of the president and four members of the Management Board of the Hrvatska poštanska banka, p.l.c.

A Public tender was published on the official website of the Ministry of Finance, Ministarstvo financija Republike Hrvatske - Javni natječaj za izbor predsjednika i četiri člana uprave Hrvatske poštanske banke d.d. .