
Supervisory Board Committees

Audit Committee

Željko Lovrinčević
Mislav Ante Omazić 
Ivana Radeljak Novaković

The duties of the Audit Committee:
  • to monitor financial reporting process
  • to monitor the efficiency of the internal control system, internal audit, and risk management system
  • to oversee audits of annual financial and consolidated statements
  • to monitor the independence of sole auditors or audit firm carrying out audits, and in particular of ancillary services agreements
  • to provide recommendations to the Shareholders’ General Meeting on the selection of a sole auditor or audit firm
  • to give prior consent for the work plan of the internal revision
  • to discuss the internal audit reports and significant topics related to this area

Remuneration Committee

Marijana Miličević, Chair
Marijana Vuraić Kudeljan, Member
Mislav Ante Omazić​, Member

The duties of the Remuneration Committee:
  • to provide support to the Supervisory Board when adopting and regularly reviewing the fundamental principles of the Remuneration Policy
  • to provide support and consulting services to the Management of the Bank when drafting the Remuneration Policy
  • to draft proposals of the decisions related to the remunerations of the employees for whom is responsible Supervisory Board/ Shareholders’ General Meeting, including the decisions which have implications for the exposure of the Bank to the risks and risk management
  • to propose to the Supervisory Board consultants to provide the services concerning the Remuneration Policy and the implementation of the Policy
  • to provide support to the Bank’s Supervisory Board when reviewing and checking the implementation of the Remuneration Policy and when assessing the compliance of the implementation of the Remuneration Policy with other Bank’s acts related to the remunerations, as well as with other relevant regulations, standards, principles and codes (at least once a year)
  • to formally apply, once a year, different scenarios, testing the effects of the future external and internal events on the Remuneration Policy and its implementation, as well as to carry out retroactive tests
  • to perform other activities determined by the regulations

Risk Committee

Marijana Vuraić Kudeljan, Chair
Marijana Miličević, Member
Mislav Ante Omazić​, Member

The duties of the Risk Committee:
  • to advise the Supervisory Board on the overall current and future risk appetite as well as strategy and assisting in to assist in overseeing the implementation of that strategy by senior management, without prejudice to the responsibility of the Management and Supervisory Board of the credit institution for the overall risk management and overseeing of the credit institution
  • to review whether prices of liabilities and assets offered to clients take fully into account the credit institution’s business model and risk strategy, and where prices do not properly reflect risks in accordance with the business model and risk strategy, to present a remedy plan to the management of the credit institution
  • without prejudice to the tasks of the Remuneration Committee, in order to establish sound remuneration policies, to examine whether incentives provided by the remuneration system take into consideration risk, capital, liquidity and the likelihood and timing of earnings
  • to perform other activities determined by the regulations

Nomination Committee

Marijana Miličević, Chair
Marijana Vuraić Kudeljan, Member
Mislav Ante Omazić​, Member

The duties of the Nomination Committee:
  • to recommend the members of the Management and the members of the Supervisory Board
  • to prepare a description of the roles and capabilities for individual members of the Management or Supervisory Board in order to exercise their duties, and assess the time commitment expected
  • regularly, and at least annually, to assess the structure, size, composition and performance of the Management and Supervisory Board and if necessary, to propose changes
  • regularly, and at least annually, to assess the knowledge, skills and experience of individual members of the Management and Supervisory Board and of the Management and Supervisory Board collectively, and report these bodies on the assessment
  • to review regularly the policy for selection of members of the Management and Supervisory Board and appointment of senior management and to make recommendations to the Management and Supervisory Board, and if deemed required, to give proposal for their change
  • to decide on a target for the representation of the underrepresented gender in the Management and Supervisory Board and to propose the strategy on how to increase the number of the underrepresented gender
  • on an ongoing basis and to the extent possible, to ensure that the Management and Supervisory Board’s decision making is not dominated by any one individual or small group of individuals in a manner that is detrimental to the interests of the credit institution as a whole
  • to perform other activities determined by the regulations